Genetycznie-Modyfikowane-Organizmy-GMO-Obietnice-i-Fakty, GMO
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Stanisław K. WiąckowskiGENETYCZNIE MODYFIKOWANE ORGANIZMYOBIETNICE I FAKTYStanisław K. WiąckowskiGENETYCZNIE MODYFIKOWANE ORGANIZMY OBIETNICE I FAKTYWydawnictwo Ekonomia i ŚrodowiskoSPIS TREŚCISummary Wstęp 1. Inżynieria genetyczna - najpoważniejszy problem etyczny w historii nauki 1.1. Niewiarygodne, przestarzałe podstawy biotechnologii, niedające prawa do obietnic rujnujących rolników 1.2. Wykorzystywanie wyjątkowo niebezpiecznych organizmów w biotechnologii 1.3. Brak odpowiednich badań 1.4. Próby ukrywania informacji o zagrożeniach zdrowia i środowiska 1.5. Agresywna reklama, przecząca wynikom eksperymentów z GM 2. Historia ponad 10-letniego nieudanego eksperymentu 2.1. Rzekome zwiększenie plonów i poprawienie ich jakości 2.2. Rzekome zmniejszenie zabiegów ochrony roślin 2.3. Rzekoma poprawa stanu środowiska 2.4. Brak możliwości współistnienia - albo ochrona przyrody, albo GMO 2.5. Negatywny wpływ na zwierzęta 2.6. Negatywny wpływ na człowieka 2.7. Poprawa „czystości nasion" 2.8. Walka z głodem na świecie 2.9. Zagrożenie różnorodności biologicznej 2.10. Leśnictwo 2.11. Polska terenem kontrolnym wolnym od GMO 2.12. Problemy prawne 3. Ważniejsze rośliny GM. Przegląd dokonań 3.1. Soja GM 3.2. Bawełna GM 3.3. Kukurydza GM 3.4. Ryż GM 3.5. Rzepak GM 3.6. Pszenica GM 3.7. Ziemniak GM 4. Rośliny GM w Afryce 5. Rośliny GM w Europie 6. Instynkt samozachowawczy u zwierząt 7. Wielostronne korzyści ze zrównoważonego rolnictwa 7.1. Rolnictwo konwencjonalne - przemysłowe 7.2. Rolnictwo zrównoważone (ekologiczne, organiczne czy biologiczne) Wnioski Piśmiennictwo5 11 13 13 15 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 27 30 32 36 37 40 41 42 43 48 50 55 63 64 65 66 66 68 69 75 77 77 80 89 92GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS PROMISES AND FACTSSummary Nature and its biological diversity are the greatest treasures serving mankind. Various plant and animal species without which our life would not be possible: our food, medicines, textiles, wood, etc. Today, this basis for our existence is threatened by genetic contamination of the environment. Until recendy, it seemed that the greatest hazard is large-scale use of poisons in agriculture, medicine, the army or even by terrorists. Poisons constitute a great and as yet underestimated threat, yet their impact and time of dissemination are limited. Genetic contamination of the environment is a far greater hazard. These are living organisms that actively reproduce and spread out, are able to migrate and mutate. Once released they can neither be stopped nor controlled. Therefore, this hazard is irreversible. Playing with the genetic code, without any consultation, by Monsanto and other large corporations, is the greatest ethical problem in the history of science. This happens because the employed technologies: 1. are based on obsolete paradigms (one gene code only one protein), which fail to legitimate unjustified promises and ruin farmers who believe in them; 2. use extremely dangerous organisms which, as geneticists point out, is a recipe for catastrophe This includes a virus related to AIDS, bacteria related to Bacilus anthrax, a bacteria most often used in biological warfare or antibiotic resistant bacteria; 3. are not supported by appropriate research; profit, rather than ethics, is the objective of large corporations and serious, long-term research is cosdy; 4. attempt to prevent disclosure of any information on health and environmental hazards which may be adverse to the biotechnological industry; 5. conduct aggressive and deceptive campaigns propagating success, despite the fact that results of the GM plant experiments carried out it in most countries of the world for over 10 years negate it. Despite obvious facts confirmed almost all over the world, biotechnologists keep repeating the same biotechnological mantra that they are increasing croc production, improve product quality, reduce amounts of pesticide use. protect the environment and save the world from famines, etc.OBIETNICE I FAKTYWhen evaluating this over 10-year experiment carried out on the global scale, one must conclude the following: Crops have not been either larger or of better quality and usually even smaller by 5% to 20%. This has been proven both in the USA and in many other countries, such as Brazil, Paraguay, Australia, India, Indonesia, Argentina, Mexico, Columbia and Africa. In countries with dry and hot climate, GM plants have proven to be completely maladjusted. Despite reassurance on the part of the biotechnological industry, the amount of chemical pesticides has not only failed to drop but they had to be used in much greater amounts. This has also been confirmed in Brazil, China, India, Argentina, Mexico, Columbia, Australia, Oceania and Africa. In Brazil, comparing use in the years 2000-2004, 95% more of the herbicide Roundup was used as well as 29.8% more of other herbicides were used. Large corporations promised numerous benefits for the environment. Yet, they fail to understand that sterilisation of the environment is not beneficial for it as it constitutes the greatest hazard for biological diversity. GM plants have been in 75% equipped for feature tolerance of Roundup. The latter is a total herbicide which destroys, in a huge area of few dozen millions hectares, all plants and is toxic to all wildlife and humans. In practice, this resulted in a dramatic increase of the use of this product, contamination of the environment and the entire food chain. Roundup kills not only many species of useful insects, predator and parasitic insects which are the major restraint in pest development, but it also kills bees and their feed resources. Killing off bees in large areas of the USA or Canada is a very serious threat to agriculture and the human population. At this point, it is worth recalling a famous sentence by Einstein: „If bees disappear from the surface of the Earth then men would only survive them by a few years. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man". Today, we have abundant scientific literature pointing put that mass use of glyphosate is a serious threat to the health of humans and animals and to the environment. Also, the idea of introducing toxins to plants which are to be eaten and of bacteria producing toxic proteins must be considered gruesome. The latest research shows that out of one hundred samples of plants with Bt, many failed to contain toxic protein, many contained very little of it (almost 10 times less than Monsanto ensured), yet occasionally they contained toxic protein in very large amounts, hundred times higher than in others. This perfectly explains why GM maize or cotton with Bt, which were supposed to guard against pests, failed for example, in India, Indonesia, China or Spain, and why 'superpests' resistant to toxic protein appeared so fast, and why many large animals, such as dogs or cows, die in Germany or sheep in India. In India, sheep fed regularly and exclusively on leaves of cotton with Bt after harvest. The effects of such a diet were horrifying. Over seventy shepherds reported that 25% of their droves died within 5-7 days. Only in four villages over 1,800 animals died and losses in the entire region can be estimated to be much over 10,000.6Genetycznie Modyfikowane OrganizmyThe epidemic of suicides among farmers in India (until 2007, estimated to be over 15,000), is a real barometer of stress that globalisation and liberalisation of agriculture has introduced into agriculture and among farmers. In this large country, where 836 million inhabitants constituting 77% of the population live below the poverty line, the Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers' Movement was founded. This large-scale movement now demands that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh introduce legal regulations to safeguard the interests of millions of farmers, and most of all, ban GMO production, which were the prime cause of this stress. The view that the environment will always remain sterile is a merchant's view. Each and every natural scientist knows that in the ecological transformation theatre there is constant aspiration for adaptation to given environmental conditions, a pursuit of culmination. Large monocultures of cotton or soya in China, India or Latin America must have resulted in species adaptation to plants with Bt; these species could not have missed the opportunity to use such large feed resources. In the large number of those interested in such feed there were species which began to tolerate the toxins present there and thus turned into superpests. The large expansion of soya production in Argentina or Brazil was accompanied by numerous effects negative to the environment, i.e. mass deforestation at a pace of about 10,000 hectares per year, which is an equivalent of 20 sports stadiums per hour, soil erosion, reduction of many farms, bankruptcy of farmers. Only in Argentina, about 300,000 farmers lost their farms and work and they headed to such big cities as Buenos Aires or Salta to look for work. Most of them became unemployed and homeless. At this point, it should be recalled that in the tropics, the flow of elements is biological in nature and majority of mineral compounds is to be found in living organisms and not in the soil. Therefore, deforestation can cause a real tragedy. That is why the Amazon soil, upon introduction of monocultures on such a mass scale, has become unproductive, barren and very sensitive to erosion. Deforestation, e.g. of 17% of Mato Grosso in Brazil, large areas in Argentina, Paraguay and in other countries, has already affected climate change on the global scale. The conservation of nature, or of biodiversity, is not possible if we carry on with carefree genetic contamination of the environm...
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